Poster: Curricular Innovation Committee

Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellows lead the way in Georgia Tech’s Writing and Communication Program by designing rhetorically based courses with a WOVEN (written-oral-visual-electronic-nonverbal) emphasis. Students use multimodality to explore the cultural studies of science and technology in various communities and periods – past, present, and future. This poster spotlights one of the Writing and Communication Program committees.

Original Mission: To move forward special curricular initiatives that benefit both students and faculty.

Three Primary Objectives

  1. To work with external units to coordinate initiatives with the Writing and Communication Program.
  2. To develop materials that facilitate Brittain Fellows’ use of external curricular initiatives into their courses.
  3. To publicize curricular initiatives to the Writing and Communication Program community.

Four Central Partnerships

This I Believe…

  • Georgia tech’s essay contest for students to express core beliefs that guide their daily lives. Essays of contest winners are published online in written, oral, and/or video format
  • A long-term and successful partnership between the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Writing and Communication Program

Direct to Discovery (D2D)

  • An initiative of The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI); designed to address important K-12 education issues, including the lack of digital content in the curriculum
  • Leading-edge videoconferencing tools connect Georgia Tech professors with classrooms across Georgia, throughout the South, and across the world.

First-Year Reading Program

  • Coordinated by the Center for Academic Enrichment. Encourages first-year students to participate in a common academic experience – reading the same book. Also schedules book-related events and recommends ways to use the books in a variety of classes.

Celebrating Teaching Day

  • Sponsored each spring by CETL (Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning).
  • Includes Brittain Fellows’ poster session, provides an opportunity for reflection on pedagogical practices and strategies, and honors teaching excellence.

New Partnerships

  • Creative Writing
  • DramaTech
  • Office of Information Technology