Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellows lead the way in Georgia Tech’s Writing and Communication Program by designing rhetorically based courses with a WOVEN (written-oral-visual-electronic-nonverbal) emphasis. Students use multimodality to explore the cultural studies of science and technology in various communities and periods – past, present, and future. This poster spotlights one of the Writing and Communication Program committees.
Original Mission: To move forward special curricular initiatives that benefit both students and faculty.
Three Primary Objectives
- To work with external units to coordinate initiatives with the Writing and Communication Program.
- To develop materials that facilitate Brittain Fellows’ use of external curricular initiatives into their courses.
- To publicize curricular initiatives to the Writing and Communication Program community.
Four Central Partnerships
This I Believe…
- Georgia tech’s essay contest for students to express core beliefs that guide their daily lives. Essays of contest winners are published online in written, oral, and/or video format
- A long-term and successful partnership between the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Writing and Communication Program
Direct to Discovery (D2D)
- An initiative of The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI); designed to address important K-12 education issues, including the lack of digital content in the curriculum
- Leading-edge videoconferencing tools connect Georgia Tech professors with classrooms across Georgia, throughout the South, and across the world.
First-Year Reading Program
- Coordinated by the Center for Academic Enrichment. Encourages first-year students to participate in a common academic experience – reading the same book. Also schedules book-related events and recommends ways to use the books in a variety of classes.
Celebrating Teaching Day
- Sponsored each spring by CETL (Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning).
- Includes Brittain Fellows’ poster session, provides an opportunity for reflection on pedagogical practices and strategies, and honors teaching excellence.
New Partnerships
- Creative Writing
- DramaTech
- Office of Information Technology