Justin Chandler

Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow

Member Of:
  • School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Email Address: jchandler64@gatech.edu


Justin Chandler holds a PhD in Literature and an MFA in Creative Writing from Miami University of Ohio. A first-generation college graduate, he completed his BA in Philosophy and English at Indiana University. His scholarly research has appeared in Studies in American Fiction and won the 2023 Arthur O. Lewis Award from the Society for Utopian Studies. His creative work has appeared in Story, epiphany and Hobart.

  • PhD in English, Miami University
  • MFA in Creative Writing & Pedagogy, Miami University
  • BA in Philosophy and English, Indiana University
Awards and
  • Empowering First-Gen Faculty (2024)
  • Arthur O. Lewis Award, Society for Utopian Studies (2023)
  • Spiro Peterson Award for Distinction in Scholarly Research, Miami University (2022)
  • Graduate Writing Fellow, Howe Writing Center, Miami University (2020)
Areas of
  • American Literature And Culture (1865-Present)
  • Prose (Fiction And CNF)
  • Speculative Fiction


  • ENGL-1102: English Composition II


Selected Publications

Journal Articles