The Communication Center: Professional and Peer Communication Tutoring


Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellows lead the way in collaborating with colleagues to research and create innovative digital pedagogies for the classroom and with students to advance their synergistic use of WOVEN (written-oral-visual-electronic-nonverbal) modalities across the disciplines. This poster spotlights a critical part of Georgia Tech’s Writing and Communication Program, the Institute-wide Communication Center (CommLab): Director: Dr. Karen Head. Associate Director: Dr. Brandy Ball Blake. Assistant Director: Dr. Peter Fontaine. Research Coordinator: Dr. Joy Bracewell.

  • Tutoring: CommLab offers professional and peer communication tutoring for all Georgia Tech students.
  • Resources: CommLab provides Smartboards, iPads, software, cameras, and more to facilitate student work.
  • Space: CommLab includes open desk space, breakout rooms, workstations, and a resource room for tutoring.
  • Personnel: CommLab currently employs seven Brittain Fellows who provide professional tutoring.

CommLab is an innovative leader in communication tutoring. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellows currently working as professional tutors include Drs. Joy Bracewell, Dustin Hannum, Leah Haught, Julie Hawk, Noah Mass, and Clint Stivers.

Peter Fontaine (PhD, Georgia State University) – Pedagogical and research interests include contemporary fiction and literature and academic mentoring.

CommLab was very useful and definitely worth going back to.