Writing and Communication: Change Agents


The Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech challenges and changes higher education by pushing the leading edge of innovation in curricular outreach, aid to underserved populations, initiatives in the arts, opportunities to learn about career alternatives, symposia and speaker series, digital forums for teaching and learning, and grant writing programs. The examples here are just five of our major initiatives that function as change agents.

Curricular Innovation

Mission: This committee initiates multimodal activities in and out of the classroom that benefit both students and faculty.

Representative accomplishments: Work with K-12 colleagues in Direct to Discovery in HiDef digital workshops. Celebrate National Day for Writing with public readings (below).

Arts Initiatives

Mission: This committee strengthens the maker culture of creativity and critique in the Writing and Communication Program and supports the arts at Georgia Tech and in the broader community.

Representative accomplishments: Create annual exhibitions of student work at the Ferst Galleries and Woodruff Arts Center (below). Work with Georgia Tech’s artist-in-Residence program.


Mission: This committee provides a forum for work related to digital scholarship and pedagogy.

Representative accomplishments: Publish pedagogical articles about topics from interactive fiction to creating podcasts, from Medieval images to “This I Believe…” essays (below).

World Englishes

Mission: This committee raises awareness of the variations of English around the world and promotes pedagogy and support to help students become fluent in written and spoken American English.

Representative accomplishments: Initiated process to include ELL tutors in the Communication Center. Add sections about ELL in the program’s ebook.

Grant Writing

Mission: This committee supports the mission of innovative communication projects across the Writing and Communication Program.

Representative accomplishments: Awarded funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to pilot a composition MOOC (left).